1. - Learn Arabic         
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    This page contains a video (Text & Audio) as well as a table below it discussing the following:  Arabic phrases, expressions, Arabic conversation and idioms, words in Arabic, greetings, survival phrases.

    Learn Arabic ????? ???????

    Arabic Translation

    Arabic Calligraphy

    Alphabet (Audio) new!


    Arabic Phrases (Audio) new!




    Feminine & Plural


    Present Tense




    Questions & Negation

    Arabic Reading

    Writing Letters

    Test your Arabic!

    How to Learn Arabic

    3 Tips for Learning Arabic

    Intro to Arabic Pronouns

    Important Arabic Phrases

    Arabic Job Opportunities

    Reading Arabic Script

    Dialects of Arabic

    Arabic Business Culture

    Arabic Keyboard

    Install Arabic

    Vocabulary List

    - Adjectives

    - Animals

    - Body

    - Food & House

    - Occupations & School

    - Places & Sport

    - Time & Weather

    - Verbs

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    - How to Pray

    - How to make Wudu

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    - Islamic Expressions

    - Muslims Activities


    You can pause the video any time and reply any part you like or didn't hear well. For the table below I used the blue font in some places in transliteration todistinguish between the female and male gender. Which is not that differentfrom the masculine form, just an extra “i” or “a” …

    The tick (‘) is for a sound like soundless “a” or a stopjust to make closer to the real sound which doesn’t exist in English. You will be able to hear it many time in the video.

    The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that”and sometimes as “th of think”, I usually state how you shouldpronounce it.

    There is a sharp “h” that is different from the regular “h”,however a person can be understood even if it’s pronounced as a regular “h”.

    The video below contains the same text as the table below it, however the video contains audio as well, so that you will be able to hear the words and see how they're written.



    Arabic Phrases

    English Phrases

    Arabic Transliterated Phrases

    Arabic Script

    Arabic Greetings:






    Good Morning!

    Sabah el kheer

    ???? ?????

    Good Evening!

    Masaa el kheer

    ???? ?????

    Welcome! (to greet someone)



    How Are You?

    Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female)

    ??? ?????

    I'm Fine, Thanks!

    Ana bekhair, shokran!

    ??? ???? ????

    And You?

    Wa ant? / Wa anti? (female)

    ? ????

    Good/ So-So.

    Jayed/ 'aadee

    ??? / ????

    Thank You (Very Much)!

    Shokran (jazeelan)

    ???? (?????)

    You're Welcome! (for “thank you”)



    Hey! Friend!

    Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! (female)

    ???? ????? /??????!

    I Missed You So Much!

    Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran

    ????? ???? ?????

    What's New?



    Nothing Much

    Lashai jadeed

    ?? ??? ????

    Good Night!

    Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) ‘ala khair/

    ????/ ?????? ??? ???

    See You Later!

    Araka/ Araki (female) fi ma ba'd

    ???? ?? ?????

    Good Bye!

    Ma’a salama

    ?? ???????


    Help & Directions:



    I'm Lost

    Ada'tu tareeqi!

     ???? ?????!

    Can I Help You?

    Hal beemkani mosa’adatuk?

    ?? ??????? ????????

    Can You Help Me?

    Hal beemkanek mosa’adati?

    ?? ??????? ????????

    Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?

    Ayna ajedu (al merhaad/ assaidaliah)?

    ??? ??? (???????/ ????????)?

    Go Straight! Then Turn Left/ Right!

    imshy ala tool, thumma ‘arrij yaminan/ shimalan

    ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????/ ?????!

    I'm Looking For John.

    Abhatu ‘an John

    ???? ?? ???

    One Moment Please!

    Lahda men fadlek/ fadleki (female)

    ???? ?? ????

    Hold On Please! (phone)

    ibqa/ ibqay (female) ala al khat raja'an

    ????/ ???? ??? ???? ?????!

    How Much Is This?

    Kam howa thamanoh? (th as in bath)

    ?? ?? ?????

    Excuse Me ...! ( to ask for something)

    Men fathlek/ fathleki (female) (th as in that)

    ?? ????

    Excuse Me! ( to pass by)



    Come With Me!

    Ta'ala/ ta'alay (female) ma'ee!

    ???? ???!

    Personal Info:



    Do You Speak (English/ Arabic)?

    Hal tatakallamu alloghah alenjleziah/ alarabiah?

    ?? ????? ????? ?????????? /????????

    Just a Little.



    What's Your Name?

    Ma esmouk? Ma esmouki?

    ?? ?????

    My Name Is ….



    Mr. Mrs.…/ Miss…

    Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah ...

    ?????... /??????/ ??????...

    Nice To Meet You!

    Motasharefon/ motasharefatun (f) bema'refatek

    ????? / ?????? ???????

    You're Very Kind!

    Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa

    ??? ????! ???? ?????!

    Where Are You From?

    Men ayna anta/ anti (female)?

    ?? ??? ????

    I'm From (the U.S/ Morocco)

    Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib)

    ??? ?? (??????/ ??????)

    I’m (American)

    Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah (female)

    ??? ??????/???????

    Where Do You Live?

    Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female)

    ??? ?????  ??? ???????

    I live in (the U.S/ France)

    A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa

    ???? ?? ???????? ???????/ ?????

    Did You Like It Here?

    Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna?

    ?? ??????? ????? ????

    Morocco Is a Wonderful Country

    Al maghrib baladun jameel!

    ?????? ??? ????!

    What Do You Do For A Living?

    Ma mehnatuk? Mehnatuki (female)

    ?? ??????

    I Work As A (Translator/ Businessman)

    A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal)

    ???? ??????/ ???? ?????

    I Like Arabic

    Ohibbu allughah al arabia

    ??? ????? ???????

    I've Been Learning Arabic For 1 Month

    adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr

    ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???

    Oh! That's Good!

    Hada shay'un Jameel

    ??? ??? ????

    How Old Are You?

    Kam howa umruk? umroki (female)

    ?? ?? ?????

    I'm (twenty, thirty…) Years Old.

    Umri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath)

    ???? (?????/ ??????) ???

    I Have To Go

    Yajebu an athhaba al aan! (th as in that)

    ??? ?? ???? ????

    I Will Be Right Back!

    Sa arje’o halan

    ????? ????


    If you are looking for a more extensive Arabic course, we recommend Breaking The Arabic Code




    Good Luck!



    Happy Birthday!

    Eid meelad sa'eed!

    ??? ????? ????

    Happy New Year!

    Sana sa'eedah!

    ??? ?????

    Merry Christmas!

    A'yaad meelad Saeedah

    ????? ????? ????!

    Happy Eid!

    Eid mobarak!

    ??? ?????!

    Happy Ramadan

    Ramadan mobarak!

    ????? ?????




    Enjoy! (For meals…)

    Shahia tayebah!

    ???? ????

    I'd Like To Visit Morocco One Day

    Arghabu bezeyarat al maghrib.

    ???? ?????? ??????

    Say Hi To John For me.

    Sallem ‘ala John men ajlee

    ????? ??? (???) ?? ????

    Bless you (when sneezing)

    Rahimaka Allah

    ???? ????

    Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

    Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida

    ???? ????? ? ????? ?????!




    I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)



    Sorry (for a mistake)



    No Problem!

    La moshkelah


    Can You Say It Again?

    A’ed men fadlek!/ A’eedi men fadleki (fem)

    ??? ?? ????

    Can You Speak Slowly?

    Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem)

    ???? ???? ?? ????

    Write It Down Please!

    Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobiha men fadleki (fem)

    ?????? ?? ????! / ??????? ?? ????!

    I Don't Understand!

    La afham!

    ?? ????

    I Don't Know!

    La a’ref!

    ?? ????!

    I Have No Idea.

    La adri!


    What's That Called In Arabic?

    Ma esmoho bel arabiah?

    ?? ???? ?????????

    What Does "qit" Mean In English?

    Mada ta'ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia?

    ???? ???? ???? "??" ????????????

    How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic?

    Kaifa taqoulu kalimat "please" bel arabia?

    ??? ???? ???? "????" ?????????

    What Is This?

    Ma hatha (th as in that)

    ?? ????

    My Arabic Is Bad.

    Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib

    ???? ??????? ???? ??? ???

    I need to practice my Arabic

    Ahtaaju an atadarraba 'ala al arabia!

    ????? ?? ????? ??? ???????

    Don't Worry!

    La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem)

    ??????/ ?? ?????!

    Arabic Expressions & Words:



    Good/ Bad/ So-So.

    Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee

    ??? / ??? / ????

    Big/ Small

    Kabeer/ Sagheer

    ???? / ????

    Today/ Now

    Alyawm/ Al aan

    ????? / ????

    Tomorrow/ Yesterday

    Ghadan/ Albareha

    ??? / ???????

    Yes/ No

    Na’am/ Laa

    ??? / ??

    Here You Go! (when giving something)



    Do You Like It?

    Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female)

    ?? ??????

    I Really Like It!

    A’jabani haqqan!

    ?????? ???

    I'm Hungry/ Thirsty.

    Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan

    ??? ????/ ??? ?????

    In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.

    Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan

    ?????/ ?????/ ????

    This/ That. Here/There

    Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that)

    ??? /???. ???/????

    Me/ You. Him/ Her.

    Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya

    ???/ ???. ??/ ??





    Onzor / Onzori (female)

    ????!  ?????!

    Hurry Up!

    Asre'/ Asre'ee (female)

    ????!  ?????!

    What? Where?

    Matha? Ayn? (th as in that)

    ????? ????

    What Time Is It?

    kam essa'a?

    ?? ???????

    It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.

    Enaha al 'ashera. Ennaha assaabe'a wa nesf.

    ???? ???????. ???? ??????? ? ????? ?????

    Give Me This!

    A'teni hatheh! (th as in that)

    ????? ???!

    I Love You!

    Uhibbok/ uhibboki (female)


    I Feel Sick.

    ana mareed.

    ??? ????.

    I Need A Doctor

    ahtaju tabeeban!

    ????? ?????!

    One, Two, Three

    wahed, ithnaan, thalatha (th as in think).

    ????, ?????, ?????

    Four, Five, Six

    arba'a, khamsa, sitta

    ?????, ????, ???

    Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

    sab'a, thamania (th as in think), tis'a, 'ashara.

    ????, ??????, ????, ????


    I used the blue font sometimes in transliteration todistinguish between the female and male gender, which is not that differentfrom the masculine form, just an extra “i” or “a” …

    The tick (‘) is for a sound like soundless “a” or a stopjust to make closer to the real sound which doesn’t exist in English.

    The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that”and sometimes as “th of think”, I usually state how you shouldpronounce it.

    There is a sharp “h” that is different from the regular “h”,however a person can be understood even if it’s pronounced as a regular “h”.

    Ihope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Arabic phrases, expressions and words.


    If you are looking for a more extensive Arabic course, we recommend Breaking The Arabic Code


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