• take

            \ ˈtāk How to pronounce take (audio) \
            took\ ˈtu̇k How to pronounce took (audio) \; taken\ ˈtā-​kən How to pronounce taken (audio) \; taking

            Definition of take

             (Entry 1 of 2)

            transitive verb

            1 : to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: such as
            a : to seize or capture physically took them as prisoners
            b : to get possession of (fish or game) by killing or capturing
            c(1) : to move against (an opponent's piece, as in in chess) and remove from play
            (2) : to win in a card game able to take 12 tricks
            d : to acquire by eminent domain
            2 : grasp, grip take the ax by the handle
            3a : to catch or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence taken with a fit of laughing taken ill
            b : to catch or come upon in a particular situation or action was taken unawares
            c : to gain the approval or liking of : captivate, delight was quite taken with her at their first meeting
            4a : to receive into one's body (as by swallowing, drinking, or inhaling) take a pill
            b : to put oneself into (sun, air, water, etc.) for pleasure or physical benefit
            c : to partake of : eat takes dinner about seven
            5a : to bring or receive into a relation or connection takes just four students a year it's time he took a wife
            b : to copulate with
            6 : to transfer into one's own keeping:
            a : appropriate someone took my hat
            b : to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or purchase) take a cottage for the summer I'll take the red one took an ad in the paper
            7a : assume gods often took the likeness of a human being when the college took its present form
            b(1) : to enter into or undertake the duties of take a job take office
            (2) : to move onto or into : move into position on the home team took the field take the witness stand
            c(1) : to bind oneself by take the oath of office
            (2) : to make (a decision) especially with finality or authority
            d : to impose upon oneself take the trouble to do good work take pains to make her feel welcome
            e(1) : to adopt as one's own take a stand on the issue take an interest
            (2) : to align or ally oneself with mother took his side
            f : to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted take the credit
            g : to accept the burden or consequences of took the blame
            h : to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself transitive verbs take an object
            8a : to secure by winning in competition took first place
            b : defeat
            9 : to pick out : choose, select took the best apple
            10 : to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use: such as
            a : to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something take a scythe to the weeds
            b : to use as a means of transportation or progression take the bus
            c : to have recourse to for safety or refuge take shelter
            d : to go along, into, or through took a different route
            e(1) : to proceed to occupy take a seat in the rear
            (2) : to use up (space, time, etc.) takes a long time to dry
            (3) : need, require takes a size nine shoe it takes two to start a fight
            11a : to obtain by deriving from a source : draw takes its title from the name of the hero
            b(1) : to obtain as the result of a special procedure : ascertain take the temperature take a census
            (2) : to get in or as if in writing take notes take an inventory
            (3) : to get by drawing or painting or by photography take a snapshot
            (4) : to get by transference from one surface to another take a proof take fingerprints
            12 : to receive or accept whether willingly or reluctantly take a bribe will you take this call take a bet : such as
            a(1) : to submit to : endure take a cut in pay
            (2) : withstand it will take a lot of punishment
            (3) : suffer took a direct hit
            b(1) : to accept as true : believe I'll take your word for it
            (2) : follow take my advice
            (3) : to accept or regard with the mind in a specified way took the news hard you take yourself too seriously
            c : to indulge in and enjoy was taking his ease on the porch
            d : to receive or accept as a return (as in payment, compensation, or reparation) we don't take credit cards
            e : to accept in a usually professional relationship often used with onagreed to take him on as a client
            f : to refrain from hitting at (a pitched ball) take a strike
            13a(1) : to let in : admit the boat was taking water fast
            (2) : accommodate the suitcase wouldn't take another thing
            b : to be affected injuriously by (something, such as a disease) : contract take cold also : to be seized by take a fit take fright
            c : to absorb or become impregnated with (something, such as dye) also : to be effectively treated by a surface that takes a fine polish
            14a : apprehend, understand how should I take your remark
            b : consider, suppose I take it you're not going
            c : reckon, accept taking a stride at 30 inches
            d : feel, experience take pleasure take an instant dislike to someone take offense
            15a : to lead, carry, or cause to go along to another place this bus will take you into town took an umbrella with her
            b : to cause to move to a specified state, condition, or sphere of activity took the company public took his team to the finals
            c : to invite and accompany (someone) She took me to the movies. He took her on a date. They took the kids to the movies. often + outHe took her out to dinner.
            d : to stop prescribing a specified regimen to used with offtook him off the medication
            16a : remove take eggs from a nest
            b(1) : to put an end to (life)
            (2) : to remove by death was taken in his prime
            c : subtract take two from four
            d : exact the weather took its toll
            17a : to undertake and make, do, or perform take a walk take aim take legal action take a test take a look
            b : to participate in take a meeting
            18a : to deal with take first things first
            b : to consider or view in a particular relation taken together, the details were significant especially : to consider as an example take style, for instance
            c(1) : to apply oneself to the study of take music lessons take French
            (2) : to study for especially successfully taking a degree in engineering took holy orders
            19 : to obtain money from especially fraudulently took me for all I had
            20 : to pass or attempt to pass through, along, or over took the curve too fast take the stairs two at a time

            intransitive verb

            1 : to obtain possession: such as
            b : to receive property under law as one's own
            2 : to lay hold : catch, hold
            3 : to establish a take especially by uniting or growing 90 percent of the grafts take
            4a : to betake oneself : set out : go take after a purse snatcher
            b chiefly dialectal used as an intensifier or redundantly with a following verbtook and swung at the ball
            5a : to take effect : act, operate hoped the lesson he taught would take
            b : to show the natural or intended effect dry fuel takes readily
            6 : charm, captivate a taking smile
            8 : to be seized or attacked in a specified way : become took sick
            take a back seat
            : to have or assume a secondary position or status
            take a bath
            : to suffer a heavy financial loss
            take account of
            : to take into account
            take advantage of
            1 : to use to advantage : profit by
            2 : to impose on : exploit also : to exploit sexually
            take after
            : to resemble in features, build, character, or disposition
            take a hike or less commonly take a walk
            : to go away : leave
            take aim at
            : target sense 1 new legislation that takes aim at crime
            take apart
            1 : to disconnect the pieces of : disassemble
            2 : to treat roughly or harshly : tear into
            take a powder
            : to leave hurriedly
            take care
            : to be careful or watchful : exercise caution or prudence
            take care of
            : to attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of
            take charge
            : to assume care, custody, command, or control
            take effect
            1 : to become operative
            2 : to be effective
            take exception
            : object took exception to the remark
            take five or take ten
            : to take a break especially from work
            take for
            : to suppose to be especially : to suppose mistakenly to be
            take for a ride take for granted
            1 : to assume as true, real, or expected
            2 : to value too lightly
            take heart
            : to gain courage or confidence
            take hold
            2 : to become attached or established : take effect
            take into account
            : to make allowance for
            take in vain
            : to use (a name) profanely or without proper respect
            take issue take it on the chin
            : to suffer from the results of a situation
            take kindly to
            : to show an inclination to accept or approve
            take no prisoners
            : to be merciless or relentless (as in exploiting an advantage) a politician who takes no prisoners
            take notice of
            : to observe or treat with special attention
            take one's time
            : to be leisurely about doing something
            take part take place take root
            1 : to become rooted
            2 : to become fixed or established
            take shape
            : to assume a definite or distinctive form
            take ship
            : set out on a voyage by ship
            take the cake
            : to carry off the prize : rank first
            take the count
            1 of a boxer : to be counted out
            2 : to go down in defeat
            take the floor
            : to rise (as in a meeting or a legislative assembly) to make a formal address
            take the mickey
            take the mickey out of
            : to make fun of : tease
            take the plunge
            : to do or undertake something decisively especially after a period of hesitation or uncertainty
            take to
            1 : to go to or into take to the woods
            2 : to apply or devote oneself to (something, such as a practice, habit, or occupation) take to begging
            3 : to adapt oneself to : respond to takes to water like a duck
            4 : to conceive a liking for
            take to court
            : to bring before a judicial body especially : sue sense 1
            take to task
            : to call to account for a shortcoming : criticize
            take to the cleaners
            : to deprive of money or possessions : clean out
            take turns



            Definition of take (Entry 2 of 2)

            1 : a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment was asked for her take on recent developments also : a distinct treatment or variation a new take on an old style
            2 : an act or the action of taking: such as
            a(1) : the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene
            (2) : the making of a sound recording
            b : the action of killing, capturing, or catching something (such as game or fish)
            3 : something that is taken:
            a : the amount of money received : proceeds, receipts, income
            b : share, cut wanted a bigger take
            c(1) : a scene filmed or televised at one time without stopping the camera
            (2) : a sound recording made during a single recording period especially : a trial recording
            d : the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time : catch, haul
            e : a section or installment done as a unit or at one time
            4a : a local or systemic reaction indicative of successful vaccination (as against smallpox)
            b : a successful union (as of a graft)
            5 : a visible response or reaction (as to something unexpected) a delayed take
            on the take
            : illegally paid for favors

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            Other Words from take


            taker noun

            Synonyms for take

            Synonyms: Verb

            Synonyms: Noun

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            Choose the Right Synonym for take


            take, seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, grab mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. take is a general term applicable to any manner of getting something into one's possession or control. take some salad from the bowl seize implies a sudden and forcible movement in getting hold of something tangible or an apprehending of something fleeting or elusive when intangible. seized the suspect grasp stresses a laying hold so as to have firmly in possession. grasp the handle and pull clutch suggests avidity or anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply less success in holding. clutching her purse snatch suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than seize. snatched a doughnut and ran grab implies more roughness or rudeness than snatch. grabbed roughly by the arm

            Examples of take in a Sentence

            Verb She took her things to her room. It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you. This bus takes you downtown. Her office is down that hallway. I can take you there, if you want me to. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance. She took us for a ride in her new car. He's not the kind of guy you can take home to meet your parents. She took her child to one side and scolded him. I took the pen and signed my name. Take the pan by the handle. Noun It took us 20 takes to get the scene right. She nailed it on the first take. He stands to earn 10 percent of the company's $1 million take on the deal. She was expecting a bigger take.
            See More
            Recent Examples on the Web: Verb She is frustrated by the number of people who refuse to wear face masks and take other precautions. Sasha Hupka, The Arizona Republic, "'Please just respect one other': Hospitalized former Gilbert councilman with COVID-19 shares story," 27 June 2020 But getting to that point might take some time, Duhaney said Wednesday. Madeline Mitchell, The Enquirer, "Here are the issues with closing Plum Street for the 'Black Lives Matter!' mural," 27 June 2020 Also available on only the King Ranch, Platinum, and Limited models are max recline seats that fold with nearly 180 degrees of recline so owners can take a snooze. Connor Hoffman, Car and Driver, "2021 Ford F-150 Pickup Is Less of an Overhaul Than We Expected," 26 June 2020 Public requirements in Nevada, North Carolina, and Washington take effect Friday. David Hogberg, Washington Examiner, "Officials under pressure to go beyond mandating masks as virus cases rise," 26 June 2020 The layoffs at Fiserv Forum will take effect Aug. 1, the company wrote. Sarah Hauer, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Fiserv Forum and Wisconsin Center food service vendor laying off more than 70 employees; travel company cutting 149 jobs," 26 June 2020 Mass testing initiatives have struggled to get off the ground, while shutdown skeptics who suggested herd immunity could take root have little evidence to justify their optimism. Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post, "Latin America’s coronavirus crisis is only getting worse," 26 June 2020 But replacement cards take between 7 to 10 business days to arrive, the lawmakers pointed out. Aimee Picchi, CBS News, "Stimulus checks: Prepaid debit cards come with fees and privacy strings attached," 26 June 2020 On a single morning, only Grizzly Island provides a chance to see elk, otters and eagles, and right now, perhaps to see a calf take its first steps. Tom Stienstra, SFChronicle.com, "Want to watch an elk calf being born? Grizzly Island offers rare sight," 26 June 2020 Recent Examples on the Web: Noun To preserve that aspect of the competition in the fitness and talent categories, each girl had to record her performance entirely in the camera frame, and in one, continuous take. Michael Dumas, al, "Distinguished Young Women promises another spectacular show," 26 June 2020 The decline in the 911's manual take rate really started with the 997 refresh that brought dual-clutch automatic transaxles (PDK in Porsche-speak) to the brand for the 2009 model year. K.c. Colwell, Car and Driver, "Tested: 2020 Porsche 911 Carrera S Reminds Us of the Importance of a Clutch Pedal and Shifter," 18 June 2020 The acoustic take comes with a video that finds Machine Gun Kelly sitting on his Harley Davidson in Los Angeles with a guitar. cleveland, "MGK releases acoustic ‘Bloody Valentine’ video minus Megan Fox," 17 June 2020 My variant take here which may well turn out to be very wrong: The Fed is setting markets up for another crash. Bernhard Warner, Fortune, "The markets are defying the odds. How high can they go?," 9 June 2020 Lauded: 17-year-old Darnella Frazier, who courageously recorded the Floyd killing in a single 10-minute, 6-second take. Natalie Murphy, National Geographic, "Can photography move us beyond stereotypes?," 5 June 2020 The book exudes a dose of skepticism (or cynicism — each reader's take will probably depend on their own place on the religious spectrum), which seems to be a way for the author to grapple with her own relationship to Buddhism. EW.com, "'The Lightness' author Emily Temple grapples with releasing a novel "into two pandemics"," 15 June 2020 Eric Thomas, writing in Elle has a soaring and devastating take. Ellen Mcgirt, Fortune, "LeBron steps up as the President gets ready to step out…in Tulsa," 12 June 2020 Many had the left-handed-hitter projected as going in the top 10, so the early take is the Brewers got a gem who dropped further than expected. Todd Rosiak, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Garrett Mitchell overcomes concerns about lack of power, Type 1 diabetes to become Brewers' top pick," 11 June 2020

            These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'take.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

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            First Known Use of take


            before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1


            1589, in the meaning defined at sense 2b

            History and Etymology for take


            Middle English, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take

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            Time Traveler for take

            Time Traveler

            The first known use of take was before the 12th century

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            Last Updated

            29 Jun 2020

            Cite this Entry

            “Take.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/take. Accessed 7 Jul. 2020.

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            More Definitions for take


            How to pronounce take (audio)

            English Language Learners Definition of take

             (Entry 1 of 2)

            : to carry or move (something) to a place
            : to carry and give (something) to a person
            : to carry, move, or lead (someone) to a place



            English Language Learners Definition of take (Entry 2 of 2)

            : the way that a particular person thinks about or understands something : a distinct point of view
            : a particular way of dealing with or treating something
            : a scene that is filmed or a song that is recorded at one time without stopping


            \ ˈtāk How to pronounce take (audio) \
            took\ ˈtu̇k \; taken\ ˈtā-​kən \; taking

            Kids Definition of take

             (Entry 1 of 2)

            1 : to get hold of : grasp You should take it by the handle. He took my hand.
            2 : to carry or go with from one place to another I'll take you home. This bus will take us there.
            3 : to get control of : capture took the fort
            4 : to receive into the body Don't forget to take your medicine.
            5 : to get possession or use of She took the book from the table. We will take a cottage by the shore for the summer.
            6 : to begin to perform the responsibilities of : assume She took charge. A new mayor took office.
            7 : to do the action of Let's take a walk.
            8 : to use as a way of going from one place to another I take the bus. We'll take the highway.
            9 : require sense 1 It will take a long time. I take a size ten.
            10 : to put up with : endure I don't have to take that from you.
            11 : to come upon We took them by surprise.
            12 : to adopt or accept He took my side in the argument. She took all the credit.
            13 : win entry 1 sense 2 My essay took second prize.
            14 : choose sense 1, select I'll take the red one.
            15 : to sit in or on Please take a seat.
            16 : to find out by testing or examining Let me take your temperature.
            17 : to save in some permanent form He took down every word of the speech. Will you take a picture?
            18 : believe sense 2 I took it to be the truth. You can take my word for it.
            19 : to be guided by : follow He refused to take my advice.
            20 : to become affected suddenly She took sick just before the holiday.
            21 : understand sense 4, interpret I took it to mean something different.
            22 : to react in a certain way They take pleasure in music. Don't take offense.
            23 : subtract Take 2 from 4.
            24 : consider sense 1 For example, take this sentence …— Andrew Clements, Frindle
            25 : to have effect : be successful The vaccination took.
            26 : to be formed or used with Prepositions take objects.
            27 : captivate, delight We were taken with its beauty.
            take advantage of
            1 : to make good use of Take advantage of your free time.
            2 : to treat (someone) unfairly
            take after
            : resemble Many children take after their parents.
            take back
            : to try to cancel (as something said) I take it back. I really don't hate you.
            take care
            : to be careful
            take care of
            : to do what is needed : look after
            take charge
            : to assume care or control
            take effect
            1 : to go into existence or operation The new rate takes effect Monday.
            2 : to have an intended or expected result Wait for the medicine to take effect.
            take for granted
            : to assume as true, real, or expected
            take hold
            : to become attached or established The tree I planted never took hold.
            take in
            1 : to make smaller She took the dress in.
            2 : to receive as a guest We took in travelers for the night.
            3 : to allow to join The club is not taking in new members.
            4 : to receive and do at home for pay She takes in washing.
            5 : to have within its limits The tour takes in both museums.
            6 : to go to Let's take in a movie.
            7 : to get the meaning of He took in the situation at a glance.
            8 : cheat entry 1 sense 1 They were taken in by an old trick.
            take off
            1 : to take away (a covering) : remove You can take your shoes off.
            2 : deduct I'm willing to take off ten percent.
            3 : to leave a surface in beginning a flight or leap The plane is taking off now.
            take on
            1 : to begin (a task) or struggle against (an opponent) She took on the champion.
            2 : to gain or show as or as if a part of oneself The city took on a carnival mood.
            3 : employ entry 1 sense 1 The business will take on more workers.
            4 : to make an unusual show of grief or anger Don't take on so.
            take over
            : to get control of Military leaders took over the government.
            take part
            : to do or join in something together with others Come take part in the fun.
            take place
            : to come about or occur : happen The meeting took place yesterday.
            take up
            1 : to get together from many sources We'll take up a collection for the gift.
            2 : to start something for the first time or after a pause I'd like to take up painting. Our class took up the lesson where we left off.
            3 : to change by making tighter or shorter She needs to take up the dress in the back.

            Other Words from take

            taker noun



            Kids Definition of take (Entry 2 of 2)

            1 : the number or quantity of animals or fish killed, captured, or caught
            2 : money received His take from the sale was half the price.

            Choose the Right Synonym for take


            take, seize, and grasp mean to get a hold on with or as if with the hand. take can be used of any way of getting possession or control of something. Please take this gift. You took more food than you can use. seize is used for an act of taking something suddenly and by force. A police officer seized the thief in the act of escaping. grasp is used for taking something in the hand and keeping it there firmly. Grasp my arm and walk slowly.

            \ ˈtāk How to pronounce take (audio) \
            took\ ˈtu̇k How to pronounce took (audio) \; taken\ ˈtā-​kən How to pronounce taken (audio) \; taking

            Medical Definition of take

             (Entry 1 of 2)

            1 : to establish a take especially by uniting or growing with an experienced surgeon some 90 percent of the grafts takeLancet
            2 of a vaccine or vaccination : to produce a take



            Medical Definition of take (Entry 2 of 2)

            1 : a local or systemic reaction indicative of successful vaccination
            2 : a successful union (as of a graft)

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            took; taken; taking

            Legal Definition of take

            transitive verb

            1a : to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means
            b : to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority specifically : to acquire title to for public use by eminent domain
            2a : to undertake the duties of take office
            b : to bind oneself by take an oath
            3 : to get in writing
            4a : to accept the tender of (as a promise)
            b : to accept (as an oath, affidavit, or deposition) in a legal capacity (as by administering or witnessing)
            5a : to set in motion take an appeal
            b : to claim or exercise as an option or right take depreciation
            6 : to put or set forth take an exception

            intransitive verb

            : to obtain ownership or possession of property take free of a security interest specifically : to receive the title to an estate take as an heir
            take the Fifth
            : to exercise the privilege against self-incrimination based on the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

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            Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for take

            Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with take

            Spanish Central: Translation of take

            Nglish: Translation of take for Spanish Speakers

            Britannica English: Translation of take for Arabic Speakers

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